UNESCO World Heritage - CITY OF LUXEMBOURG its Old Quarters and Fortifications Par Ministère de la Culture UNESCO recognized Luxembourg City's fortifications and historical quarter as a World Heritage Site in 1994. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/699 Créé le 15 avril 2019. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
LNDS Annual Report 2023 (LNDS) LNDS Par Luxembourg National Data Service We are pleased to announce that LNDS has successfully completed its Annual Report of 2023. A fruit of rigorous and detailed work, the Annual Report highlights the achievements, challenges and prospects of its first full year in operation. Transparency is one of the key values of LNDS. As a sign of… Créé le 19 juin 2024. Mis à jour le 19 juin 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 3 favoris
Detailed programme of measures SWW (related to urban wastewater management) Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau In the detailed programme of measures, the types of measures related to hydromorphology (HY) and urban wastewater management (SWW) which are defined in the catalogue of measures of the second river basin management plan, were assigned to the individual water bodies. The objective of this… Créé le 17 novembre 2020. Mis à jour le 28 juin 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Detailed programme of measures HY (related to hydromorphology) Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau In the detailed programme of measures, the types of measures related to hydromorphology (HY) and urban wastewater management (SWW) which are defined in the catalogue of measures of the second river basin management plan, were assigned to the individual water bodies. The objective of this… Créé le 17 novembre 2020. Mis à jour le 28 juin 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Charging stations for electric vehicles 2021 Par SIG-GR @ Ministère du Logement et de l'Aménagement du territoire - Département de l’aménagement du territoire Charging stations for electric vehicles in Luxembourg and within a radius of 40km from its borders (2021) Sources: Bundesnetzagentur.de, Chargemap, Creos Luxembourg - Electro-mobility, DREAL Grand Est, LVGL Saarland, MWAEV Saarland, MWVLW Rheinland-Pfalz. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2021 Créé le 22 juin 2021. Mis à jour le 13 octobre 2022 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 1 réutilisation 0 favori
Chemical status of the water bodies 2015 Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality… Créé le 17 novembre 2020. Mis à jour le 20 août 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
DCAT-AP API endpoints for data.public.lu Par Open Data Lëtzebuerg Data.public.lu provides all its metadata in the DCAT and DCAT-AP formats, i.e. all data about the data stored or referenced on data.public.lu. DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary) is a specification designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This specification… Créé le 15 mai 2023. Mis à jour le 27 mai 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
BnL Viewer for METS Par Ministère de la Culture The National library of Luxembourg's viewer for METS (http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/ ) files with OCR files in the ALTO format. The viewer needs a tomcat application server to run in. It can be deployed so that it reads the METS files from a local folder. Its main use is for digitized… Créé le 11 avril 2017. Mis à jour le 11 avril 2017 — License Not Specified 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Flood Risk Management Plans 2015 Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau The flood risk management directive (directive 2007/60/CE) consider the development of flood risk management plans as an appropriate tool to prevent or reduce the adverse effects of flood events. The focus is particularly on prevention, protection and precautions. The catalog of measures drawn up… Créé le 10 décembre 2020. Mis à jour le 28 juin 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
List of bibnet.lu library network members Par Ministère de la Culture The Luxembourg National Library (BnL) took the initiative of establishing a network linking a large number of Luxembourg’s libraries in 1985. The bibnet.lu network currently has a total of 77 members, which include academic/university and research libraries, school libraries, public and… Créé le 11 avril 2017. Mis à jour le 2 avril 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Alternative fuels infrastructure data Par Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics The Programme Support Action (PSA) on ID issuing and data collection for alternative fuels (IDACS) has been set-up by the European Commission to support Member States in setting up data collecting for alternative fuels and make the data available through the National Access Points and to develop… Créé le 28 octobre 2021. Mis à jour le 3 octobre 2022 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2015 [Directive 2008/105/EC] Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau The chemical status of the surface water bodies is assessed as being good or failing to achieve good chemical status. The assessment of the chemical status for the second river basin management plan is based on the list of substances of directive 2008/105/EC as well as its environmental quality… Créé le 10 décembre 2020. Mis à jour le 20 août 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Open Repository and Bibliography Par University of Luxembourg Digital Repository for Open Access to University of Luxembourg publications. ORBilu was officially launched on the 22nd April 2013. The acronym ORBi stands for "Open Repository and Bibliography". It also expresses the Latin word "orbi" ("for the world") and signals the will of the University to… Créé le 9 décembre 2016. Mis à jour le 3 octobre 2022 — License Not Specified 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Study : Impacts of Open Data in Luxembourg and the Greater Region - 2019 Par Open Data Lëtzebuerg Three years after its official launch in April 2016, the data.public.lu portal has currently more than 800 published datasets and references nearly 110 reuses with the participation of 120 organizations. After a first experience in 2018, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) was… Créé le 10 mai 2019. Mis à jour le 2 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Chemical Substances and Products - Import restrictions - Mercury as waste Par Administration de l'environnement Mercury Regulation: Import restrictions - Mercury as waste The Mercury Regulation imposes certain prohibitions and limitations around imports of mercury and mercury mixtures as waste in its article 4. Compliance with those is followed up, among other means, via a reporting requirement, which is… Créé le 1 octobre 2024. Mis à jour le 19 novembre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Air Quality - Biomonitoring network Par Administration de l'environnement To limit the impact of atmospheric pollution, it is important to assess its emissions and fallout. Living organisms such as mosses, kale and grasses are used to assess the impact of pollution in specific locations. Their characteristics make them particularly sensitive to the atmosphere around… Créé le 6 juillet 2020. Mis à jour le 6 octobre 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1 réutilisation 0 favori
Chemical Substances and Products - Import restrictions - Mercury and mercury mixtures (non-waste) Par Administration de l'environnement Mercury Regulation: Import restrictions - Mercury and mercury mixtures (non-waste) The Mercury Regulation imposes certain prohibitions and limitations around imports of mercury and mercury mixtures in its article 4. Compliance with those is followed up, among other means, via a reporting… Créé le 1 octobre 2024. Mis à jour le 1 octobre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Infected and Exposed IoT device statistics (infected-and-exposed-iot-devices-statistics) infected-and-exposed-iot-devices-statistics Par Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg This is a dataset containing a country-level breakdown of infected and Exposed IoT devices detected through sinkholes, honeypots and darknets operated by The Shadowserver Foundation and its partners. The data is grouped by IoT related threats. In some cases a vulnerability id is provided as a… Créé le 9 juin 2021. Mis à jour le 21 janvier 2022 — Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Air Quality - EU Registry on Industrial Sites Par Administration de l'environnement EU Registry on Industrial Sites The EU registry on industrial sites is a data flow that collects information on the facilities, installations, and plants which are obliged to report under the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation and the Industrial Emissions… Créé le 7 octobre 2024. Mis à jour le 7 octobre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Digitised Luxembourg Historical Newspapers | Journaux Historiques Luxembourgeois Numérisés (bnl-historical-newspapers) bnl-historical-newspapers Par Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg English Version Since 2002, the BnL has been digitising a large variety of historical documents such as newspapers, monographs, manuscripts, postcards and even posters. All digitised materials are available for viewing through its platforms a-z.lu and eluxemburgensia.lu. In addition, some datasets… Créé le 26 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 28 octobre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 7 réutilisations 0 favori
ID registry for electromobility Par Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics The Programme Support Action (PSA) on ID issuing and data collection for alternative fuels (IDACS) has been set-up by the European Commission to support Member States in setting up data collecting for alternative fuels and make the data available through the National Access Points and to develop… Créé le 29 juillet 2021. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Digital accessibility monitoring report - 2020-2021 Par Service information et presse du gouvernement The Web Accessibility Directive has been transposed to Luxembourg’s legislation in the law of 28 May 2019. It obliges the public sector to improve the accessibility of its websites and mobile applications in order to respect the norms stipulated by the EU directive. The Government’s information… Créé le 20 décembre 2021. Mis à jour le 15 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Species Distribution - Report on invasive alien species (Period 2015 - 2018) Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2014/1143/oj).… Créé le 26 novembre 2021. Mis à jour le 7 décembre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Environmental Noise - Potential quiet areas Par Administration de l'environnement The quiet urban landscape areas include relatively large, continuous open spaces of at least regional importance with a high recreational function and corresponding development for leisure and recreation. Its importance lies in the balancing function to the noisy and densely populated areas of the… Créé le 2 novembre 2023. Mis à jour le 2 novembre 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
UNESCO - Tour for everyone Par Ministère de la Culture UNESCO for everyone can be comfortably and safely navigated by wheelchair and with a pram. In secure zones visually impaired people can also follow the path. Visitors can listen to descriptions on site with the accompanying audio. Length and slope: The tour covers a total of 1950 m. It's designed… Créé le 19 janvier 2021. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
CIRCL - Operational Statistics Par Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg The operational statistics cover the activities related to the incident response activities of CIRCL especially in regards to the reporting (e.g. incident reports, request for analysis or support during computer security incident) and notifications (e.g. take-down notification, notification about… Créé le 4 janvier 2018. Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD) - Linguistesch Daten Par Zenter fir d'Lëtzebuerger Sprooch Complete dataset available via the API of the Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire (LOD, https://lod.lu). Contains all the data on which the site lod.lu is based, with the exception of inflection tables. The latter can be downloaded separately. The file on which the search feature is based can be… Créé le 7 mars 2023. Mis à jour le 14 juin 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Air Quality - Information on the assessment methods - for fixed and indicative measurements Par Administration de l'environnement (D) Information on the assessment methods (Articles 8 and 9) - for fixed and indicative measurements Article 8 Methods for the demonstration and subtraction of exceedances attributable to natural sources or to winter-sanding or -salting In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5 of… Créé le 1 octobre 2024. Mis à jour le 1 octobre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Air Quality - Information on primary up-to-date assessment data -measurements Par Administration de l'environnement Air Quality Directive IPR Article 10.6 (E2a) Information on primary up-to-date assessment data -measurements (Article 10) To test reporting of primary up-to-date assessment data -measurements in period Article 10 Primary validated assessment data and primary up-to-date assessment data ... Member… Créé le 8 octobre 2024. Mis à jour le 8 octobre 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
UAS Geographical Zones - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg / Zones géographiques UAS - Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (UAS Geozones - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg / Geozones UAS - Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) UAS Geozones - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg / Geozones UAS - Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Par Direction de l'Aviation Civile Disclaimer The present data set is intended for geo-awareness purposes only and is compliant with Eurocae ED-269 Chapter VIII and its Appendix 2. The UAS geographical zones described herein are directly extracted from geoportal (https://g-o.lu/uas) each 5 minutes. The current data set should be… Créé le 28 mars 2022. Mis à jour le 12 avril 2022 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
Financial data for USA public market (Financial Data) Financial Data Par Quantum Capital Partners SAS All operations to the Graviton API must be authenticated using an API key. You get an API key when subscribing to the Graviton service. You can always retrieve your API key by signing in to the dashboard. API Key You must specify your API key in the headers of HTTP requests using the x-api-key… Créé le 4 septembre 2021. Mis à jour le 4 septembre 2021 — Other (Attribution) 0 réutilisation 0 favori