Digital accessibility monitoring report - 2020-2021
Mis à jour le 15 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Service information et presse du gouvernement
Service information et presse du gouvernement
56 jeux de données
3 réutilisations
- Licence
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- ID
- 61c0b903d9e4e72eec17288c
- Couverture temporelle
- 01/01/2020 à 23/12/2021
- Fréquence
- Ponctuelle
- Date de création
- 20 décembre 2021
- Dernière mise à jour de ressource
- 15 mai 2023
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The Web Accessibility Directive has been transposed to Luxembourg’s legislation in the law of 28 May 2019. It obliges the public sector to improve the accessibility of its websites and mobile applications in order to respect the norms stipulated by the EU directive.
The Government’s information and press service (SIP) is commissioned to periodically verify the websites and mobile applications within the scope of the law and to make sure that public sector organisms apply the legal rules in this matter. SIP also performs general information and awareness-raising activities, and provides training to public sector officials.
This report covers the period from 2020 to 2021 and is the first to be delivered in the scope of the directive. It describes the initial measures to implement a national auditing system as well as national reference frameworks for the evaluation of the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.
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