INSPIRE - Annex III - Meteorological Geographical Features - PointTimeSeriesObservation - Hourly weather measurements of ASTA

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Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

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  • Other weather stations data - ex. Kiischpelt

    Milton Izbac
    13 août 2024

    Hello all, I understand that there are more than 32 weather stations available - for example Kiischpelt: It would be very useful to be able to query this data as well. Thanks in advance, this is a great resource.

    Dana Lang
    14 août 2024

    Hello, You're right, we have more than these 32 stations. We are currently working on having all the stations on this site. In the meantime you can also download the data on (and then click on download). I hope this helps. If you need more information or if you have further questions, you can also contact me under the following E-mail address: Best regards.

    Milton Izbac
    14 août 2024

    Hello Dana, Thank you for your quick reply. Please do let me know when other stations are added. In the mean time I will work with Hosingen data. Could you let me know when I query precipitation data as follows (MF.PointTimeSeriesObservation_Hourly_ASTA_min_ta020min) : All hourly returns are "null" even though there was a small amount of precipitation between 21h and 24h on the 13th of august. (min_ta020min": null) Can be confirmed by the weather station data available at: Perhaps I am missing something? Thanks in advance!

    Jarrik Schaepherders
    21 août 2024

    Dear Milton, I'm afraid you are not using the correct layer name in your request, therefore you don't get the correct results. To consult the precipitation data you should consult the “MF.PointTimeSeriesObservation_Hourly_ASTA_sum_nn050” layer. So the correct link for his request would be the following: With kind regards, Jarrik Schaepherders