HVD - Annex 3 Meteorological - Weather warnings for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Mis à jour le 11 février 2025 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


MeteoLux - Portail Météo Luxembourg

24 jeux de données


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
6 janvier 2025
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
11 février 2025

Dimensions géographiques

Granularité de la couverture territoriale
Couverture territoriale

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Information about weather alerts and warnings in Luxembourg, captured by MeteoLux.

Example of content:
Semicolon separated file separator indication

created;17-12-2015 13:50:51
File creation indication in local time

The header of the values to follow

vigilance_nord;green;;Pas de vigilance particulière
The vigilance information for the northern region of the country.
Color: The colour of the vigilance (possible are : green, yellow, orange, red), green if none
Icon: The icon used for the vigilance (empty if none)
Value: The text going with the vigilance (“Pas de vigilance particulière” if none)
Link: Internal website link.

vigilance_sud;green;;Pas de vigilance particulière
Same as for the line above just for the southern region.

Optional information in case of one or more warnings (up to 4 possible):
Avis de vent fort;Yellow;02;Lundi 15:00 à mardi <…> ;
Information about an active avis d’alerte.
Color: The colour of the vigilance (possible are : yellow, orange, red)
Icon: The icon used for the vigilance
Value: Free text. The text going with the vigilance
Link: empty

Optional information in case of an “Etat de la route” warning
Etat des routes;;05;Risque d’aquaplaning. En seconde <…> ;
Information about an active etat de la route.
Color: always empty. An “etat de la route” warning has no color.
Icon: The icon used for the etat. Always 05, because this icon shows the sign for slippery roads
Value: Free text. The text going with the etat
Link: empty

Description copied from catalog.inspire.geoportail.lu.

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