Monitoring the accessibility of public websites and mobile apps

Published on March 10, 2021

Monitoring the accessibility of public websites and mobile apps

The Information and Press Service (SIP) is in charge of the monitoring of the accessibility of public websites and mobile apps. According to the law of 28 May 2019, the websites and mobile apps of all public sector bodies in Luxembourg should be accessible, which means that all people with disabilities should be able to use these websites and apps.
Periodic accessibility checks are carried out on the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. In order to be fully transparent about the progress of digital accessibility in Luxembourg, it has been decided to publish the main deliverables of this process as Open Data, in particular:

  • The inventories of public websites and public apps
  • The monitoring sample of the period 2020-2021, i.e. the list of websites and apps, whose accessibility will be controlled
  • The audit reports for every controlled public websites and apps
  • The inventory of accessibility statements
  • The list of complaints, which we have managed
  • The source of our accessibility frameworks

More information about digital accessibility in Luxembourg can be found on the portal of digital accessibility: (in French)
(Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash)

Datasets 10