Study : Impacts of Open Data in Luxembourg and the Greater Region - 2018

Mis à jour le 30 août 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Open Data Lëtzebuerg

Official account of the Open Data Portal of Luxembourg.

19 jeux de données

18 réutilisations


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
4 octobre 2018
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
4 octobre 2018

Dimensions géographiques

Granularité de la couverture territoriale

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Impacts of Open Data in Luxembourg and the Greater Region - 2018
Main Findings
Open Data is grounded on the openness principle, which is designed to minimize the burden on re-users, but it largely deprives data providers of the means to know the re-users, the intensity of the re-use, the modalities of this, as well as the value created from the public assets (because of the free of charge principle induced by the marginal cost). This therefore requires a very broad approach that draws on all available means to capture and analyse the traces of re-use, which implies adopting a methodology taking into account different types of indicators, quantitative or qualitative, at different scales.
For 2018, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) was mandated to conduct the first evaluation of the economic impact of Open Data in Luxembourg.

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