MeteoLux - Luxembourg weather forecast for the current day

Mis à jour le 11 février 2025 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


MeteoLux - Portail Météo Luxembourg

24 jeux de données


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
13 octobre 2016
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
11 février 2025

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sep=; Semicolon separated file separator indication

created;17-12-2015 13:50:51 File creation indication in local time

DESCRIPTION;VALUE;UNIT The header of the values to follow

temp_max;12;°C The maximum temperature foreseen for the current validity

temp_min;9;°C The minimum temperature foreseen for the current validity

The following information is divided into two day parts. These parts are morning and after-noon for the 07:00 bulletin version, and after-noon and evening/ night for the 14:00 bulletin version. The first day part values descriptors begin with “1”, those for the other day parts with “2” and "3_".

1_is_displayed;1; part of the day display or not on MeteoLux website

1_title;Après-midi; The description of the part of the day (“Matin”, “Après-midi” or “Soirée”)

1_weather;Pluie modérée; The general description of the weather for that day part

1_icon;22; The icon going with the weather description of the day part used on MeteoLux website

1_temp_icon;max; icon used on MeteoLux website

1_temp_range;5 à 7;°C Range of maximum temperature for the day part

1_precipitation;1 à 2;l/m² The precipitation for that day part

1_wind_direction_text;NO; The wind direction shown on the webpage (not main directions are abbreviated i.e. Nord-Ouest is written as NO)

1_wind_direction_tooltip;Nord-Ouest;The wind direction tooltip of the wind direction (in full letters)

1_wind_force;10;km/h The mean wind speed for that day part

1_wind_gusts;20; km/h The wind gusts for that day part

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