In the context of global climate change, information regarding the climate in Luxembourg are essential to analyse its development. Therefore, MeteoLux currently provides four different and quality-controlled climatological data sets for free and unrestricted use, based on the measurements from the meteorological station situated at the airport Findel, being operational since 1947 and certified by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO):
• Extreme values - absolute lowest or highest value of temperature, wind, precipitation, etc. since 1947
• Daily values - maximum/minimum temperature, precipitation amount
• Monthly values - mean temperature and pressure, precipitation amount, sunshine duration
• Monthly normal values 1981-2010 - 30-year mean values of temperature, precipitation amount, relative humidity, etc.
These data sets are directly downloadable in csv or txt format (compatible with Microsoft Excel) and updated on a regular basis. Supplementary data sets will be made available in the future. Details about the measuring instruments are accessible on the website of MeteoLux: