Mis à jour le 5 avril 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Luxembourg National Data Service

Enabling value creation from secondary use of data – with transparency, control and trust. Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) is a brand of PNED G.I.E. an economic interest group created by the Luxembourg Government, to implement Luxembourg’s strategies in research, innovation, and…

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Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Couverture temporelle
04/2023 à 02/2024
Date de création
27 novembre 2023
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
5 avril 2024

Dimensions géographiques

Granularité de la couverture territoriale

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CSV files with the monthly LNDS KPI numbers starting from April 2023.


fte_status_month - the total FTE of all employees active in the organisation, as measured on the first day of the month following the reporting month (e.g. the FTE count of October equals the active FTE on the 1st of November). FTE means “full-time equivalent”, i.e. how many hours employees work during the week divided by a full-time schedule of 40 hours.

fte_delta_month - delta FTE compared to the previous month (e.g. October delta FTE is the difference between the FTE count on 1st of November minus the count on 1st of October).

data_partners_status – the number of entities that utilise LNDS services either in a data provider or data consumer role.

data_partners_delta - delta of the number of partners in the current month minus the previous month.

data_projects_status – the number of data projects that are actively worked on by data partners and LNDS (in planning or execution). Data projects have a clear goal and outcome, they can be planned, and their completion can be verified.

data_projects_delta - delta of the number of data projects in the current month minus the previous month.

services_progress_status – the amount of services that are actively developed (in planning, implementation or testing). LNDS develops services in the areas of capability building and training, community management, legal-ethical-societal impact assessment, technical building blocks and platform infrastructure, as well as the components of a secure end-to-end data processing pipeline, support for data discovery, access, enrichment, pseudonymisation, quality and more.

services_progress_delta - delta of the number of services in the current month minus the previous month.

services_production_status – the amount of services that are in production.

services_production_delta - delta of the amount of services in production in the current month minus the previous month.

tooling_internal_status – the number of software tools actively used within LNDS (internal use).

tooling_internal_delta - delta of the number of internal software tools in the current month minus the previous month.

tooling_external_status – the number of software tools developed, tested and deployed for the use by partners of LNDS (external use).

tooling_external_delta - delta of the number of external software tools in the current month minus the previous month.

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