Flyer Hackathon Open Data x Housing

Mis à jour le 14 septembre 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Open Data Lëtzebuerg

Official account of the Open Data Portal of Luxembourg.

19 jeux de données

17 réutilisations


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
5 mai 2022
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
5 mai 2022

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We are organising on the 7 June a collaborative hackathon about Open Data and Housing in collaboration with the Housing Observatory and GovTech Lab.
The goal of the Hackathon "Open Data x Housing" is to foster multi-disciplinary collaboration in order to generate ideas for innovative tools using and enhancing open data from the Housing Observatory and related fields (e.g. transport, environment, energy, mapping).
This event is open to any participant with an interest in Open Data and housing data. Possible profiles: data scientist, software developer, UX designer, project manager, business analyst, researcher, data journalist, etc.
The number of participants is limited, don't hesitate to register as soon as possible!

Date: Tuesday 7 June 2022
Location: GovTech Lab
560 Rue de Neudorf
2220 Luxembourg


Participation is free, please fill out this form to register.

Fichiers 4

Ressources communautaires 0

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