3D Print Exports of Luxembourg 3dprint

Mis à jour le 28 août 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


le Géoportail National du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg est la plate-forme nationale officielle des données et informations géographiques.

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Date de création
28 juillet 2021
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
27 avril 2022

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3D Print Exports of Luxembourg in the STL Format

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  • Terrain data of Luxembourg for ray tracing purposes

    Sruthi S
    30 novembre 2022

    Hello. I work for a company working on 5G tech and are planning to use luxembourg terrain data for ray tracing. https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/lidar-2019-modele-numerique-de-terrain-mnt/ has terrain data in tif format. Please let us know if there is terrain data available in gdb or gpkg format.

    Jeff Konnen
    30 novembre 2022

    Hi, TIF is an open Standard for sharing Elevation data. Feel free to convert it to any other format you need. Best regards

  • Projection System of STL file

    Krishnan S
    21 novembre 2022

    Hello. I work for a company working on 5G tech and are planning to use these STL files for ray tracing. On inspecting the KML file we see that the bounding box for each stl is provided in 4326 projection, and the filename has bounds in 2169. But on inspection of the triangles in the STL file, we see that the projection system is not in 2169, not any other common projection system. As we need to map some other 2169 projected data to this STL file, we require the projection system that the stl file is in, or details on the transformation. Please let us know what system it uses or the procedure to convert from 2169 to the system used in the stl.

    Jeff Konnen
    21 novembre 2022

    Hi, STL is not the right choice in your case. The exports are scaled for printing, they cannot be used as geodata. You could either use our BIM Exports: https://act2bim.geoportail.lu/ in IFC Or refer to the original data: https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/base-de-donnees-nationale-des-batiments-3d/ for the buildings If you need trees, you can find them here: https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/lidar-2019-arbres/ The terrain is available here: https://data.public.lu/fr/datasets/lidar-2019-modele-numerique-de-terrain-mnt/

    Krishnan S
    2 décembre 2022

    Hi Jeff, Thanks for providing us with the datasets given above, it has been very useful. I have another question if you don't mind. During processing of the tree geometry from the gpkg file, we only find that the top view of the tree is given as polygons when loaded into postgis, wheras the visualizations you provide are 3d. What is present in the gpkg to get from 2d to your 3d models?