x509 certificates shared in MISP

Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Licence non spécifiée

Ce jeu de données a été publié à l'initiative et sous la responsabilité de Christian Studer
Publié le 7 avril 2020 et mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021

Christian Studer

1 jeux de données


Licence non spécifiée


Date de création
7 avril 2020
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
21 janvier 2021

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Dataset test from MISP containing data shared via a MISP platform.

Fichiers 4


Ressources communautaires 0

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Discussions 1

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  • Consulting about downloading dataset

    M may
    4 juillet 2020

    Hi, Christian, so sorry to bother you. I failed when downloading this dataset, and it returned 'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE'. Could you please give me other suggestions to download this data? I promise that this data is for non-profit propose.

    Christian Studer
    13 juillet 2020

    Hi, I updated the resources last week cause there were some tiny issues with the link. Let me know if you do not have access to the platform after you click on the link to access the resource. I am thinking of uploading the resources directly but it will require some additional development in MISP to make sure the resources which are uploaded are not too heavy...

    M may
    13 juillet 2020

    Hi,thanks for your answering ,but it failed again, which shows 'ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' aftering clicking those links. Is there other person meeting the same problems like me?

    Christian Studer
    22 juillet 2020

    Hi again, Indeed there was an error with the link again, I made sure it is fixed. If you still have issues now, or if ever you have any issue about accessing the resource, I would advise to open an issue in the following github repository: https://github.com/MISP/misp-opendata

    M may
    24 juillet 2020

    Hi, thanks for your patience, and I have issued my problem in your github repository:https://github.com/MISP/misp-opendata/issues/2#issue-664942168. looking forward for your response, and thanks again.