Regiowood: Forest types 2021
Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2023 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
SIG-GR @ Ministère du Logement et de l'Aménagement du territoire - Département de l’aménagement du territoire
Système d'information géographique de la Grande Région.
240 jeux de données
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- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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- 6582d6cd3814c5e898921a5b
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- Date de création
- 20 décembre 2023
- Dernière mise à jour de ressource
- 20 décembre 2023
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Forest types in the Greater Region 2021 (Lorraine: 2020)
Source: INTERREG VA project Regiowood II (
Data: Sentinel-2 from summer 2020 (Grand-Est), spring 2021 (Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Luxembourg) and early summer 2021 (Wallonia).
Although the classification is based on different methodologies in different regions, the final result is a consistent cross-border map. The accuracy of the classification is 88%.Classifications methods:
- France:: SPOT4-5 images acquired in 2005 from the vegetation layer of the BD Topo (IGN). Data processing: ICube-SERTIT University of Strasbourg (
- Belgium: aerial image coverage from 2009, 2012 and 2016, LiDAR coverage 2014. Data processing: Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech University of Liège (
- Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: use of cadastral data (ATKIS). Data processing: Umweltfernerkundung & Geoinformatik University of Trier (
- Luxembourg: use of the dataset "arrondissements forestiers" from ANF. Data processing: Umweltfernerkundung & Geoinformatik University of Trier (
Please note that the date of the "Aerial Imagery" background map data may differ from the Regiowood data depending on the sub-entity of the Greater Region.
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