iNaturalist.LU citizen science biodiversity observations iNaturalist.LU

Mis à jour le 22 avril 2024 — Other (Open)

Musée national d'histoire naturelle Luxembourg

Our data-portal for consulting and searching biodiversity data about Luxembourg: . Use this for a comprehensive and up-to-date view on biodiversity observations aggregated from multiple sources. Find the data that we contribute to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility…

3 jeux de données


Other (Open)


Temps réel
Date de création
9 août 2023
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
22 avril 2024

Dimensions géographiques

Granularité de la couverture territoriale
Point d'Intérêt
Couverture territoriale

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URL stable


DISCLAIMER: The observational data on iNaturalist are contributed and validated by the user community and NOT Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle Luxembourg. Identifications can either be specified as "needs identification" or "research grade" based on how strong the consensus of the community is.

iNaturalist is a worldwide community for millions of nature loving citizens, naturalists and scientists who share and identify observations about biodiversity. It was established in 2008. Using the app (iOS or Android) or the website you can record your own observations and get help identifying them. Take a picture of a plant, an animal or a fungi you see or record a bird you hear anywhere in the world! By sharing your observations, you will help improve iNaturalist, and help scientists, authorities and anyone interested in nature in Luxembourg and internationally to better understand and protect nature.

Since April 1st 2021 Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle Luxembourg joined the global iNaturalist network with Luxembourg’s national gateway: iNaturalist Luxembourg (iNaturalist.LU).

The dataset consists of individual observations, each with a different Creative Common license, chosen by the user.

Fichiers 5

Ressources communautaires 0

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