MeteoLux - Luxembourg forecast for 5 days

Updated on February 8, 2025 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


MeteoLux - Portail Météo Luxembourg

24 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
October 13, 2016
Latest resource update
February 8, 2025




sep=; Semicolon separated file separator indication

created;17-12-2015 13:50:51 File creation indication in local time

DESCRIPTION;VALUE;UNIT The header of the values to follow

The following information is divided into four weekdays. The first day (forecast day 2) part values descriptors begin with “1” those for the second day (forecast day 3) part with “2”, and so on, going from “1” to “5

1_date;18-12-2015; The date of the day

1_weather;Pluie faible; short weather description for that day

1_desc;Couvert et pluvieux pendant toute la journée, <…>; more detailed textual information about that day

1_icon;21;The icon index going with the short weather description of the day used on MeteoLux website

1_max_range;5 à 6;°C The maximum temperature range for that day

1_min_range;1 à 3;°C The minimum temperature range for that day

1_rainwater_day;0 à 1;l/m² The precipitation falling between 06:00 and 18:00 that day

1_rainwater_night;0 à 1;l/m²The precipitation falling between 18:00 and 06:00 the next day

1_wind_direction_text;NO; The wind direction shown on the webpage (not main directions are abbreviated i.e. Nord-Ouest is written as NO)

1_wind_direction_tooltip;Nord-Ouest; The wind direction tooltip of the wind direction (in full letters)

1_wind_force;20 à 30;km/h The mean wind speed for that day part
Unit: always km/h

1_wind_gusts;Rafales 50 à 60;km/h The wind gusts for that day part

1_moon_icon;H; moon phase index used on MeteoLux website

1_moon_text;Premier croissant; The description of the moon phase for that day

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