RoboBus: A Diverse and Cross-Border Public Transport Dataset

Updated on May 31, 2021 — Other (Open)

This dataset has been published on the initiative and under the responsibility of Raphael Frank
Published on May 31, 2021 and updated on May 31, 2021

Raphael Frank

1 datasets


Other (Open)


Creation date
May 31, 2021
Latest resource update
May 31, 2021




Academic datasets are an important source of information to validate and benchmark novel research concepts. In this paper we present RoboBus, a dataset recorded with a commercial bus on a cross-border public transport route between Luxembourg and France. The dataset contains approximately 8 hours of driving data divided into 15 trips that have been recorded over 4 days. It includes about 1.7 million anonymized images captured by two road-facing cameras, GNSS traces, data from a 9-axis IMU, and information directly retrieved from the CAN interface of the vehicle including speed, steering angle and position of the accelerator/brake pedals. We use an end-to-end autonomous driving approach that relies on imitation learning as use case example for the dataset.

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