National Plan for Aviation Safety Luxembourg

Updated on September 26, 2024 — Open Data Commons Attribution License

Direction de l'Aviation Civile

The Directorate of Civil Aviation (DAC) is the competent authority of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in matters relating to aviation safety and security. Created by the revised law of 19 May 1999, the DAC's offices were originally located within the Ministry for Transport, on bvd Royal, in the city…

10 datasets


Open Data Commons Attribution License


Creation date
September 26, 2024
Latest resource update
September 26, 2024

Geographic dimensions

Territorial coverage granularity
Territorial coverage




While the elements of the National Aviation Safety Program are essentially stable and not evolving much over time, the more variable elements, like the identified risks and specific safety actions, are described in a separate but directly linked document : the National Plan for Aviation Safety (NPAS). This document contains specific actions based on three different inputs : the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS), the DAC safety analysis and feedback from Luxembourg’s aviation stakeholders. The stakeholders are invited to analyse the risks and actions identified in the NPAS in view of their own activities and to integrate them in their SMS where applicable.

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