Etablissement accueillant le public ou faisant des livraisons durant le COVID-19

Updated on January 20, 2022 — Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0

This dataset has been published on the initiative and under the responsibility of Thibault Milan
Published on April 2, 2020 and updated on January 20, 2022

Thibault Milan

Thibault is passionate about digital culture who put his knowledge and know-how at the service of what he undertakes. He's an expert in user experience, contributed 4 years to France-Luxembourg UPA local chapter and been senior Front-end developer. Thibault is really engaged in the community…

8 datasets

3 reuses


Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0


Real time
Creation date
April 2, 2020
Latest resource update
April 4, 2020




Collection d'Établissement accueillant le public (service public, services médicaux, épiceries...) ou restaurant pratiquant la livraison. Initialement sur la ville de Dudelange, des données supplémentaires s'ajoutent chaque jour par contribution.

Files 4

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