Environmental Noise - Multiexposure

Updated on October 6, 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration de l'environnement

L’Administration de l’environnement est au service de la société pour assurer un niveau élevé de protection de l’environnement et de qualité de vie des personnes dans leur environnement. Elle apporte son soutien à la prise de décision politique et veille à l’application de la législation…

67 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Temporal coverage
Creation date
October 6, 2022
Latest resource update
October 19, 2022

Geographic dimensions

Territorial coverage granularity




The multiexposure maps, representative of the year 2016, give an overview of the noise levels generated by all modes of transport on the national territory. It should be borne in mind that overall noise exposure is not synonymous with overall noise annoyance. Objective models such as the energy summation model simply give the immission level of exposure considering more than one noise source. The maps can be used to relate the different transport modes and show particularly noisy sections. For the design of technical solutions or the treatment of a complaint, source maps remain relevant in the search for solutions.-

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