Collection Joseph Kutter LU-MNHA_Dataset_Kutter

Updated on March 29, 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art

Le Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art (MNAHA) est un institut culturel de l'État créé en 1946 sous l’appellation «Musées de l’État». Il a pour missions d’étudier, de conserver et de valoriser les collections nationales et internationales dans les domaines de l'archéologie, de…

1 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
March 29, 2024
Latest resource update
March 29, 2024




This is a small curated subset of the object data the MNAHA publishes on The intention is to make data available in accessible and easily reusable formats for people interested in Digital Humanities. This dataset contains information about the works of Joseph Kutter in our collection and their exhibition history within the Museum.

The language of the metadata in this case is French.
Each row is dedicated to one object.

It contains the following columns:

Persist ARK contains the persistent URL pointing to the object's page on MNAHA Collections
NoInventaire contains the inventory number the object has in the collection of the MNAHA
Collection contains the name of the subcollection the object is attributed to
Domaine contains the type of the object
Artiste contains the name of the creator of the object
TitreFR contains the title of the object in french
Date de création contains the date the object was created - text
Date de création Display contains the version of the creation date displayed on MNAHA Collections - text
Dimensions H x L x P cm (avec cadre) contains the dimensions of the object when framed in cm
Dimensions H x L x P cm (sans cadre) contains the dimensions of the object when it is not framed in cm
Matiere Technique Display contains the technique and support used as displayed on MNAHA Collections
Technique contains the technique used to create the object
Support contains the material the work was created on
Iconographie contains subject headings about what is depicted on the object
ModeAcq contains the way the object was acquired for the collection of the MNAHA
Date d'acquisition Année contains the year the object was acquired for the collection of the MNAHA
Expo X ID contains the internal identifier of the exhibition the object participated in
Expo X Titre contains the title of the exhibition the object participated in
Expo X Institution Nom contains the name of the MNAHA at the time the exhibition was taking place
Expo X Institution ISIL contains the ISIL identifier of the MNAHA
Expo X Date début contains the date the exhibition started
Expo X Date fin contains the date the exhibition ended

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