Chemical Substances and Products - Import restrictions - Mercury and mercury mixtures (non-waste)

Updated on October 1, 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration de l'environnement

L’Administration de l’environnement est au service de la société pour assurer un niveau élevé de protection de l’environnement et de qualité de vie des personnes dans leur environnement. Elle apporte son soutien à la prise de décision politique et veille à l’application de la législation…

65 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
October 1, 2024
Latest resource update
October 1, 2024




Mercury Regulation: Import restrictions - Mercury and mercury mixtures (non-waste)

The Mercury Regulation imposes certain prohibitions and limitations around imports of mercury and mercury mixtures in its article 4. Compliance with those is followed up, among other means, via a reporting requirement which is included in this obligation.

The obligation to report includes the issuing of written consents together with an account of the amounts traded and their intended use.

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