Avis de l'ALIA 2018

Updated on September 2, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l'audiovisuel

L’ALIA surveille la bonne application des textes réglementaires par rapport aux services de médias audiovisuels. Ses missions de surveillance englobent la télévision classique, les services à la demande (VOD) ainsi que les radios nationales, régionales et locales...…

7 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Temporal coverage
2019/10/23 to 2019/10/24
Creation date
July 5, 2019
Latest resource update
October 23, 2019




As a regulator in the field of electronic media, ALIA is required to deliver opinions in the instances listed below:

  • following an application for a licence to provide an audiovisual media service (television programmes and on-demand services);
  • following an application for a permit to provide radio services via a high-powered transmitter (radio stations with national coverage);
  • before the withdrawal of a licence or permit by the government.

The opinions of ALIA are advisory and not binding.

The Authority may deliver an opinion concerning any other question related to the regulation of audiovisual media services if it considers this to be necessary.

Files 3

Main file

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