An ImmunoModulatory and Myotrophic Formulation with Simultaneous Neurotrophic Properties for The Treatment of ALS and Multiple Sclerosis IMMUNOMODULATION SARM

Updated on September 1, 2021 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Spektral Holding BV

Spektral Holding BV is an Investment Holding company based in Amsterdam. Spektral Holding is the sole shareholder of Mas Pharmaceutical Investment Corp. , Mas Intermediary Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Corp, Tekas Investment Corp. Company holds the royalty rights of 80 Mining Licenses in Turkey.…

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0


Creation date
April 23, 2020
Latest resource update
April 23, 2020




An Immunomodulatory Formulation consisting of Nf-Kappa B , TNF-A and IL-6 Suppressive Protopanaxatriol Class Glucopyranoside Analouges, A Neurotrophic Protobioside Analouge that Promotes Myelin Regeneration , A Myotrophic Bioceutical Extract with Partial SARM-Like Effects thus increasing Muscle Mass via Protein Synthesis Enhancement , via GDF-8 Suppression, increasing intramascular MGF and IGF-1 mRNA Expression and Enhancing Cholinergic Neuromascular Transmission Duration. By Inhibiting Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Release and via increasing Selective Anabolism Formulation Serves as an Effective Adjunctive Treatment for ALS and Multiple Sclerosis.

Inventors : Erdal Can ALKOCLAR

Metehan YESIl

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