AgriPV: economic potential at NUTS 2-3
Updated on January 16, 2023 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
SIG-GR @ Ministère du Logement et de l'Aménagement du territoire - Département de l’aménagement du territoire
Système d'information géographique de la Grande Région.
278 datasets
- License
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
- ID
- 639899887a9a8d550b79dd83
- Frequency
- Unknown
- Creation date
- December 13, 2022
- Latest resource update
- December 13, 2022
Geographic dimensions
- Territorial coverage granularity
- Grande region
Economic potential for integrated photovoltaics on agricultural lands at NUTS 2-3 level
Geodata sources (administrative entities): ACT Luxembourg 2017, IGN France 2017, GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2017, NGI-Belgium 2017. Harmonization: SIG-GR / GIS-GR 2020
Thematic data sources: © Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau (MWVLW) Rheinland-Pfalz 2021; Ministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (MUV) Saarland 2020; ASTA Luxembourg 2021 ; IGN France – 2020; SPW Wallonie 2020. Harmonization: © IZES gGmbH 2022
Territorial entities: NUTS 2 (provinces in Wallonia, Saarland, Luxembourg) and NUTS 3 (Departements in Lorraine)
The map shows the economic potential for integrated photovoltaics on agricultural lands by using vertical bifacial PV systems in the Greater Region. Only the prioritised areas with an area size (≥ 10 ha) and crops without maize are shown. With the current technology used, areas of 10 ha or more can be used for AgriPV in an economically viable way. Areas cultivated with maize are unsuitable due to the growth height of the maize plants. Depending on the current legal framework, the areas are shown in colour. When a coloured area is selected, further information on the potential output and electricity generation as well as on the reference to the legal framework conditions is displayed. This is a theoretical potential based on the calculations and the assumptions on which the calculations are based. Therefore, when using the data, it should be noted that the data are based on a statistical approach and represent an approximation or an estimate regarding the potential.
The Luxembourg Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning has organised a call for tenders in October 2022 to promote Agri-PV pilot installations on agricultural land. The PV projects are intended to ensure continued agricultural production on the land while promoting biodiversity (flora). The projects will be supported through a market premium over a period of 15 years. It should be noted that the areas prioritised on the greater-regional maps and the potentials identified are based on project-specific assumptions within the framework of the "PV follows function" project and do not allow a statement to be made on either the approvability or the technical-economic feasibility of a project within the framework of the Luxembourg Ministry's call for tenders.
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