Establishments IED

Updated on July 17, 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration de l'environnement

L’Administration de l’environnement est au service de la société pour assurer un niveau élevé de protection de l’environnement et de qualité de vie des personnes dans leur environnement. Elle apporte son soutien à la prise de décision politique et veille à l’application de la législation…

69 datasets


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
July 12, 2024
Latest resource update
July 17, 2024




The amended law of 9 May 2014 on industrial emissions, which transposes Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions, aims to achieve integrated prevention and reduction of pollution from establishments. The rules set out aim to

  • prevent and reduce the pollution caused by industrial activities,
  • avoid, or, should this be impossible, reduce emissions to air, water and land,
  • prevent the generation of waste in order to achieve a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole.

The industrial activities giving rise to pollution are referred in the different chapters and annexes of the law. It differentiates between following categories:

  • activities listed in annex I (various activities),
  • large combustion plants,
  • waste incineration plants and waste co- incineration plants,
  • installations and activities using organic solvents,
  • installations producing titanium dioxide.

An installation can fall under one or more of those categories. In Luxembourg the law applies to over 60 plants, approximately two third of those are activities listed in annex I.

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