Skills required in ADEM job vacancies
Updated on October 10, 2024 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Agence pour le développement de l'emploi
L’Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (ADEM) est le service public de l’emploi au Luxembourg. L’ADEM est placée sous l’autorité du Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Economie sociale et solidaire. En tant que partenaire de référence pour les demandeurs d’emploi et les employeurs,…
2 datasets
6 reuses
- License
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- ID
- 66d82587ac352d549b217d3c
- Temporal coverage
- 2015/01/01 to 2024/04/07
- Frequency
- Quarterly
- Creation date
- September 4, 2024
- Latest resource update
- September 16, 2024
Geographic dimensions
- Territorial coverage granularity
- Luxembourg
- Territorial coverage
- Luxembourg
This dataset contains data on the skill requirements identified in each job vacancy that was transferred to ADEM’s database between 2015 and now. Employers in Luxembourg are legally obliged to transfer their open job vacancies to ADEM.
Each row of the dataset corresponds to a vacancy-skill combination: for example, if vacancy_id=”123” and skill=”work in teams”, this means that our algorithm identified the skill of working in teams in the description of vacancy “123”. If the column skill is empty for a given vacancy, this means that no skill requirement could be identified for that vacancy.
Skills are identified through an algorithm that automatically reads the job vacancy description and classifies the skill requirements identified based on fuzzy text matching, given a set of keywords corresponding to each skill potentially required. Identified skills are structured according to the ESCO framework, based on the metadata made available (see https://esco.ec.europa.eu/en/classification/skill_main). Most other variables (number of advertised job positions, canton of work location, occupational code) are based on information declared by the employers transferring the vacancy to ADEM; the month and year refer to the time of publication.
The algorithm for skill identification is currently still under development, and a more detailed methodological guide will be published when the methodology will become more stable.
Vacancy_id: Dataset-specific Id of the vacancy
Skill: ESCO preferred label for the skill (see https://esco.ec.europa.eu/en/classification/skill_main)
Skill_uri: ESCO id for the skill (see https://esco.ec.europa.eu/en/classification/skill_main)
Positions: open positions advertised in the vacancy (e.g. if a company opens a vacancy to recruit 7 accountants, then positions = 7)
Month: month of publication of the vacancy
Year: year of publication of the vacancy
Canton: Canton in which the advertised job would be located
Occupation_code: ROME occupational code that best fits the vacancy (see https://rome.adem.etat.lu/index_base.html and https://www.francetravail.fr/employeur/vos-recrutements/le-rome-et-les-fiches-metiers.html)
Occupation_label: ROME occupational code label for the vacancy (see https://rome.adem.etat.lu/index_base.html and https://www.francetravail.fr/employeur/vos-recrutements/le-rome-et-les-fiches-metiers.html)
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