Raw data of watchlist substances analysed in surface water in Luxembourg LU-SW-WL
Updated on January 31, 2025 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration de la gestion de l'eau
Le projet de loi portant création d’une Administration de la gestion de l’eau a été voté à la Chambre des députés le 13 mai 2004. Le Gouvernement a opté en août 1999: "pour une politique concentrée en matière de gestion de l'eau qui aura comme finalité le regroupement des différents aspects ayant…
161 datasets
1 reuses
- License
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- ID
- 669fa52aec6635e7e85d7c54
- Temporal coverage
- 2016/01/04 to 2023/10/09
- Frequency
- Unknown
- Creation date
- July 23, 2024
- Latest resource update
- July 23, 2024
Geographic dimensions
- Territorial coverage granularity
- Luxembourg
- Territorial coverage
- Luxembourg
Analysis of watchlist substances in surface waters are carried out at a frequency of 4 times per year at two representatif surveillance stations in Luxembourg. The chemicals included in the watchlist are determined on a EU level and include chemicals that potentially pose a significant risk to the aquatic environment but for which insufficient data exist to determine the actual risk posed by these substances.
The first watchlist (EU 2015/495; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2015/495/oj) was analysed from January 2016 until April 2018.
The second watchlist (EU 2018/840; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2018/840/oj) was analysed from July 2018 until January 2021.
The third watchlist (EU 2020/1161; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2020/1161/oj) was analysed from March 2021 until October 2022.
The analysis for the fourth watchlist (EU 2022/1307; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dec_impl/2022/1307/oj) started in January 2023 and is still ongoing.
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