Hackathon Open Data x Housing - Wrap Up

Published on June 8, 2022

26 participants in 6 groups prototyped innovative services based on housing data in Luxembourg

We were happy to welcome 26 participants from different horizons to our hackathon about open data and housing in Luxembourg. This hackathon was not a conventional one as it was not a competition, but the idea was more to foster co-creation and networking about the topic of this event based on multidisciplinary teams with various profiles like data scientists, designers, data visualization specialists managers, software developers, etc.
After 7 presentations from the event partners about remarkable datasets related to the theme (Housing Observatory, Geoportail, Water administration, Ministry of mobility and public works, STATEC, Administration of agricultural technical services) 6 teams were quickly formed and started brainstorming.

The GovTech Lab provided the right environment to support the teams creativity. The partners of the event participated as coaches and were available to answer any question about the datasets used by the participants in order to create innovative solutions.

After 7 hours of hacking, the teams presented the pitch of their proof of concepts to the audience. A few projects were about defining indicators to evaluate potential locations and analyse the various aspects of living sites (leasure, culture, health, ...) in Luxembourg. Other concentrated on the daily travel routes and expenses in money and time related to the travel routes. A group analysed the available building spots based on PAG.
The videos of the pitches are available on our Youtube channel "Open Data Lëtzebuerg". You can also find some pictures of the event on Twitter.

Many thanks to all the participants for their innovative ideas!