CIRCL hashlookup bloomfilter

Updated on October 17, 2022 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg

The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is a government-driven initiative designed to provide a systematic response facility to computer security threats and incidents. CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector, communes and non-governmental entities in Luxembourg. CIRCL provides a…

6 datasets


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0


Temporal coverage
2021/12/29 to 2021/12/30
Creation date
December 30, 2021
Latest resource update
December 30, 2021

Geographic dimensions

Territorial coverage granularity




Bloomfilter that includes hash values of file following software repositories. Common Windows 10 and Windows 11 build (French, Dutch, German, UK, US), NIST NSRL - All RDS hash sets including current, modern, android, iOS and legacy + SHA256 mapping, Ubuntu packages distribution, CentOS core OS distribution, Fedora project EPEL repository, Kali linux packages distribution, OpenSUSE distribution packages, OpenBSD binary tar.gz distribution, CDNJS, Snap public repository. The complete filter is around 700MB for 298M of hashes.

Files 1

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